On That Day


Just an ordinary morning, blue skied with bright sun,

conversation at the breakfast table

about the usual things.  “Homework done? Did you sleep well?

And on the way home, can you stop for milk?”

An easy kiss, cheerful goodbye, and the door closes.


Stop, dial back time, give back the day—

so much yet to do … so much left undone!

Years of living , years of growth

enriched by closeness, children, and at last

old age together. “Grow old along with me…”

but that door closes.


How will we go on, who saw blue sky turn black

with smoke and fire and unfathomable grief

who felt the ice-grip at the heart, felt breath tremble,

heard in deepest soul the cries that ears could not?

How will we forget, forgive, live on and not be scarred

by this door closing?


If hate could dial back time, then bring it on!

If anger doctored pain and stopped the ache…

but then more doors would close. Instead we stand

watching new glass and chrome rise skyward

praying that eyes now closed can see sheen

of our tears, as with great hope and newborn courage

we open yet another door to let in memories

that heal the heart—and  break it.




About Maureen C. Wartski

I’m Maureen Wartski, writer, artist, wife, mother, grandmother; you can see that I have many of the bases covered. I was born in Ashiya, Japan, a (then) small town which lay cradled between sea and mountains. In the evenings, we would walk along the road that ran past Osaka Bay, and a great moon would rise out of the water to turn the world to silver. I’m told that my first words were, “Big moon!” All my life I have felt the tug to write something, draw something, put together something with fabric, string and color, and the urge to create has grown through the years. I suppose, then, that it’s a natural thing that this blog be full of the things that so many of you enjoy doing…drawing, making something with fabric, and writing. Yuri's Brush with Magic, my newest book for middle schoolers follows the adventures of a brother and sister, the magic of words, and the incredible magic of the natural world. I'd love to hear from you! You can send me a note at: maureen@wartski.org/ My blog is here: https://maureenwartski.wordpress.com/ Or friend me on Facebook!

9 responses »

  1. While you and others can articulate so eloquently what so many of us feel in some inchoate cloud, it helps to ponder your poetic glimpses into our deep sadness at this difficult time. If we could but recapture that time of togetherness — that possibility of oneness with the suffering world; perhaps some good would yet emerge. Fran

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